Review: Cuphead


Hi! Today I will write a review about Cuphead.                                                                                                                                              11/11/2017

About the game

This game has been released on September 29, 2017 by Studio MDHR. It talks about two brothers with cup heads who made a deal with the Devil. For surviving, they have to kill some bosses and to take their souls. There are 3 worlds with 5 bosses each and in the finale, you can choose the ending: to kill the devil release the souls or to give them to the devil and to become a demon. There are 2 extra levels in each world where you can get some coins. With the coins you can upgrade the character.

Opinions about the game

I think that this game has a lot of potential because it's one of the hardest games ever. Also, this videogame is the first one which has cartoon graphics and I think that is a good point. The graphics are made as if they were very old graphics, and that can make a big difference with a normal game. If you want to buy this game, you can take it for 20 euros from the steam store. I know that you think that's a little bit expensive but it worths.


If you are interested and you want to buy it or you just want to see how this game works, you can check the video below and to subscribe to the channel!